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Pearls of Wisdom

What is a carat?

Carat weight is one of the four quality factors of gemstones. The carat is essentially the expression of the mass of a gemstone. One carat...


Emerald is the green variety of the mineral species Beryl, which also includes aquamarine, morganite, heliodor, and other varieties in various colors. Very little was...


Ruby is the red variety of the mineral species Corundum, which also includes sapphire. So we understand that two of the most important coloured gemstones...

How to clean our jewellery?

Jewellery items, especially those bearing precious stones, do not have the friendliest relationship with antiseptics and detergents. The safest way to clean our jewellery at...

Ultimately Diamond

Just like the humans’ kingdoms change hands and new kings arise, the gemstone kingdom has had several gem representatives that were ruling the market throughout...


It may lack the transparency and sparkle of the transparent gemstones, but Turquoise has nothing to envy from any other gem. Its rich colour, its...

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