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What is a carat?

Carat weight is one of the four quality factors of gemstones. The carat is essentially the expression of the mass of a gemstone. One carat is equal to 0.2 grams, so 5 carats are equal to one gram. As a symbol of the carat the abbreviation ct is used. The carat is divided into sub-units, […]

The main types of diamond cuts and their characteristics

Today, with the evolution of diamond cutting methods, we can find diamonds cut in many different shapes and with various cutting styles in the global market. By the term cutting style we refer to the shape and arrangement of the facets- i.e. the flat polished surfaces – on the finished gem. The term brilliant cutting […]


Emerald is the green variety of the mineral species Beryl, which also includes aquamarine, morganite, heliodor, and other varieties in various colors. Very little was known about the chemical and physical properties of emerald until the end of the 18th century, when Nicolas Louis Vauquelin published the first chemical analysis of the stone. This allowed […]


Ruby is the red variety of the mineral species Corundum, which also includes sapphire. So we understand that two of the most important coloured gemstones are essentially two varieties of the same mineral. The colour of ruby comes from trace elements of chromium that enter the crystal during its growth in nature. Rubies are ancient […]

How to tell the difference between a diamond and a simulant?

Gemology, which includes the field of gemstone identification among others, is a science that requires specialized studies and long-term experience. The separation of gemstones from imitations and synthetic materials is a very important skill that professional gemologists are often called upon to use in the modern market. The diamond is perhaps the most famous and […]

How to clean our jewellery?

Jewellery items, especially those bearing precious stones, do not have the friendliest relationship with antiseptics and detergents. The safest way to clean our jewellery at home (gold, platinum or silver, but not pearl), is with lukewarm -not boiling- water and soap with neutral pH, or with a small amount of mild dishwashing liquid. If necessary, […]

Ultimately Diamond

Just like the humans’ kingdoms change hands and new kings arise, the gemstone kingdom has had several gem representatives that were ruling the market throughout the years. However, there was one gemstone that never and nowhere lost its power; the diamond. Diamonds, a sole gemstone species, is studied, valued, graded, marketed and adored separately while […]


It may lack the transparency and sparkle of the transparent gemstones, but Turquoise has nothing to envy from any other gem. Its rich colour, its lengthy history, its relation with the humans throughout the world and its gentle feel when touched or worn against the skin, make people desire it. The name Turquoise, that translates […]

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